New Era NBFC – Creating trust in the market for better future

New NBFC’s are coming with innovative and pragmatic ideas to fight economic instability ….Small contribution to maintain the Eco-social balancing !

Economic disparity is a major concern and hurdle in the stable economic growth of the country.

Economic inequality is the unequal distribution of income and opportunity between various groups in society. It is the one of the frequent concern in almost all countries around the world. We see it often that people are trapped in poverty with little chance to climb up the social ladder.

Specifically, rising inequality transfers income from low-saving households in the bottom and middle of the income distribution to higher-saving households at the top.

Currently Indian market has lot of opportunities available for young entrepreneurs and hardworking enthusiast with limited or no resources to independently create their financial concrete future,change their financial status and move up in the lader for eg : last mile deliveries, Call center opportunities , Startup ventures etc.

While last mile delivery is becoming the most growing industry since post covid and predicted to reach around $ 6 to 7 billion by 2024 as per report by research firm Redseer . Current hurdles or problems in this most growing industry is financing support to delivery executive.

To address this problem , there are few NBFC which have come ahead to support this booming industry . Risewise Capital is one of such unique Platform created by an NBFC which is exclusively designed for the last mile delivery industry. Risewise has its robust technology to support the less exposed delivery executives to avail the loan at best possible interest rate.

This will enhance and create many opportunities and open various income doors for low saving , low income households to avail the financial aid and create a better , stable future .


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